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   Crosslinks is a Canadian health consulting company dedicated to helping create and manage healthy workplaces. We publish businesshealth® magazine, where we address important workplace wellness topics. We also host annual “Pathways to businesshealth®” symposiums across Canada to help group benefit advisors and employers stay up to date on the latest information. Our content highlights important and impactful themes that help employers determine the right plan for their organization. 

   The goal of our publications and symposiums is to educate Canadian employers on themes relevant to the physical and mental well-being of their employees. Our priority is to inform employers of today’s prominent health issues and opportunities. Our advisory board, composed of eight diverse and accomplished individuals, helps us generate new content and moderate insightful symposiums while maintaining quality and objectivity.

Click here to find out how joining our “A" list of businesshealth® subscribers can add value for your organization. 

Want to join us at a symposium? Click here to find out about our next event!

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